D5.1. Repository of Instrumentation Design for a Range of Deployment Scenarios
Outputs results
Includes the development of: two reports (climate indicators & monitoring scenarios and terrestrial remote sensing in mapping & inspection); (a numerical & experimental repository (Calibration); a guideline (sensor selection & deployment guidelines).
Expected results
Climate-Aware Instrumentation and Measurement.
Repository will be a pilot for EU/world and customise climate-aware instrumentation. It will quantify information level & accuracy for WP6 framework. Guidelines allow infrastructure owners to deploy commercial monitoring with benchmarked performance.
D5.2. Creation of Demonstrative Numerical Benchmark
Outputs results
Includes the development of:
- (i) numerical repository on developed algorithms;
- (ii) software tools for bespoke SHM and feature of interest extraction;
- (iii) report of algorithm performance; guidelines fo implementation on WP7 applications.
Expected results
Climate-Aware Infrastructure Monitoring Solutions.
Deployment-ready algorithms repository for WP7 and other networks. Quantified performance of algorithms for deployment. Developed software suite a first in portable and scalable climate-aware infrastructure monitoring for Atlantic Area type hazards.
D5.3. Creation of Demonstrative Experimental Benchmark
Outputs results
Comprehensive experimental evidence-base for developed algorithms. Report on WP7 deployment and input to risk-based framework in WP6. Benchmarking report on experimental implementation of monitoring algorithms, including data communication guidance.
Expected results
Benchmark Evidence Base for Climate-Aware Infrastructure Monitoring Solutions.
Deployment-ready algorithms repository for WP7 and other networks (with quantified performance). The developed software suite will be a first in portable and scalable climate-aware infrastructure monitoring for Atlantic Area type hazards.