Partner skills
Azvi is a large construction company. For over 100 years, Azvi has carried out a large number of all types of civil engineering projects. Currently Azvi is carrying out conservation and maintenance works on more than 3,000 km of roads in Spain, Romania, Mexico, Chile and Colombia.
Transnational experience
Azvi headquarters are located in Seville (Spain), and currently we have business activities in Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Qatar. We are currently taking part in European co-operation R&D Programmes: VII FP, EUREKA, and also Spain-Mexico INNOGLOBAL Programme.
Role in the project
Azvi will participate as an industrial partner, we will contribute with our experience as a road maintenance company, and knowledge of adaptation measures, maintenance and emergency protocols.
Activities to implement in the project
AZVI will provide our expertise in the construction and maintenance of roads involved in the WP6 Risk
& Resilience-Based Decision-Making procedure for Transportation Infrastructure. AZVI will be also involved on WP0, WP1, WP2 and WP3 (Preparation, Coordination, Communication and Capitalization).
Contact person
Domingo Perez