Partner skills
Main service provider of rails in Ireland Instrumented coach and access to test-bed Benchmark data from earlier pilots Health and safety, operations, policy and business expertise Experience in extreme climate impact, adaptation and mitigation Transnational EU research project experience
Transnational experience
Irish Rail were a partner in the Marie Curie research project, ‘Sustainable Pavements & Railways Initial Training Network’ (SUP&R), 2013-2017 and hosted a PhD researcher. They were a partner in Destination Rail (2015-2018) and facilitated field monitoring of rail infrastructure.
Role in the project
Supply a railway carriage or locomotive to be instrumented as part of WP7 for a 12month period. Hire a research assistant to analysis the collected data and liaison with other partners in the project.
Activities to implement in the project
Allow specialist contractors install sensors and instruments onto Irish Rail’s train carriage. Harvest and analysis the data collected from the sensors placed onto our trains.
Contact person
Cathal Bowe