Partner skills
Sensors, Structural Health Monitoring, Bridge, Infrastructure Management, Risk and Reliability,
Dynamics, Measurement
Transnational experience
Dr. Pakrashi: UCD PI, FLEXAQUA MARTERA (2018-20); was co-PI in Bridge-SMS Marie Curie IAPP (2015-18) project. Prof. Eugene Obrien: Was leader of FP7 RAIN (2014-17) and Infrarisk (2013-16). He is PI on US-Ireland project, Camera-based Bridge Monitoring (2015-18), funded in Marie Curie TRUSS ITN.
Role in the project
UCD will lead WP5 collaborating with UVigo and contribute significantly to WP7 closely with Irish Rail and partly with Infrastructures Portugal. UCD will liaise with UNantes, UBirmingham in WP4 to adapt climate indicators to monitoring and provide estimates for decision making in WP6 via UMinho.
Activities to implement in the project
Adapt climate indicators in WP4 to instrumentation and monitoring (I&M) strategy I&M design, guideline & algorithms for climate-aware performance feature detection Comprehensive numerical & experimental repository (WP5) Contribute in test-bed I&M (WP7) Estimate climate-aware decision inputs (WP6)
Contact person
Vikram Pakrashi