D6.1. Risk-based predictive model (software/algorithm)
Outputs results
A user-friendly software, and corresponding algorithm, that computes and further plots a risk-based model for transportation infrastructures. A complementary manual will be also delivered.
Expected results
Development of an innovative risk-based forecasting model for transportation infrastructures.
The forecasting of transportation infrastructure performance to multiple hazards in Atlantic Area, will be achieved. This will comprise the likelihood of such extreme events, and their impact in the infrastructure under analysis.
D6.2. Database with effects and costs of risk mitigation measures (database)
Outputs results
Relational database with a list of risk mitigation measures for transportation infrastructures, their effects and costs. It will be also delivered a report with results obtained from questionnaire that will support the development of such database.
Expected results
Development of a database with most relevant risk mitigation measures for transportation infrastructures.
A complete and accurate database with a set of risk mitigation measures, including their description, in what circumstances should be used, with what time frequency, effects and costs (direct and indirect), will be respectively attained.
D6.3. Decision-making tool based on resilience (software/algorithm)
Outputs results
A user-friendly software, and corresponding algorithm, for the multi-criteria decision-making, i.e., by maximizing resilience and minimizing the risk mitigation measures costs. A manual that complements such software will be also delivered.
Expected results
Development of a risk-based framework for real-time decision-making in transportation infrastructures management.
The short, medium and long-term decision-making, concerning the optimal planning of risk mitigation measures for transportation infrastructure, will be respectively attained with the developed risk-based framework for real-time decision-making.