4th Workshop (June 2022, Birmingham)
The 4th SIRMA Workshop will address the issue of transport infrastructure management, a key stage of the project.
The event will take place on June 10th, 2022, from 10:00 to 16:00 (GMT+1).
At the link below you can find the agenda of the workshop organised by the SIRMA Research Project.
3rd Workshop (Semptember 2021, online)
The 3rd SIRMA Workshop will feature experts from around the world who will address the issue of climate change associated with the management of transport infrastructure, being a key stage of the project, and covering all themes addressed by the project.
The event will take place on September 22nd, 2021, from 09:00 to 13:00 (CET).
The registration is free but mandatory.
At the link below you can find the programme for the third workshop of the SIRMA Research Project, which will take place entirely online.
Climate resilience and design codes – factoring in climate projections. Aligning infrastructure standards with information about the future climate
(March 2021, online)
The climate is changing rapidly, and effects are already being experienced in the built environment. Are you interested in how future climate information will be dealt with in standards and how standards can help us build resilience into infrastructure?
This workshop is a key step in CEN/CENELEC’s fulfilling of EC Mandate 526, which deals with the incorporation of future climate information into standards.
A key deliverable of the M/526 work is ‘an outline for a technical report’ on how to factor in future climate data into infrastructure codes. This workshop will be a key stage in the process of developing that outline, by seeking endorsement on the direction and seeking support from the communities mentioned.
In the link below, you can register for this virtual workshop which will be held on the 17th and 18th March 2021.
2nd Workshop – Bridge Durability & Network Resilience Seminar 2020 (September 2020, Dublin)
At the link below you can find the agenda of the online seminar organised by Engineers Ireland in association with the SIRMA Research Project.
1st Workshop (January 2020, Vigo)
In the following link the videos of the open workshop that occurred in the University of Vigo can be found.