SIRMA aims to develop, validate and implement a robust framework for the efficient management and mitigation of natural hazards in terrestrial transportation modes at the Atlantic Area, which consider both road and railway infrastructure networks (multi-modal).
SIRMA will lead to significantly improved resilience of transportation infrastructures by developing a holistic toolset with transversal application to anticipate and mitigate the effects of extreme natural events and strong corrosion processes, including climate change-related impacts. These tools will be deployed for critical hazards that are affecting the main Atlantic corridors that is largely covered by this consortium presence and knowledge.
SIRMA will develop an innovative infrastructure risk management system, able to anticipate the occurrence and impact of extreme events, as well as to integrate knowledge about short-term actions (management of emergency situations) and medium to long-term actions (strategic measures to improve structural response of critical assets). With this framework it will be possible to take optimal risk mitigation measures, and this way to strengthening the territory resilience to several types of risk.