D4.1. Climate change indicators database
Outputs results
Excel or similar form database that contains climate change indicators under different scenarios for each selected location that will be freely available at the project website.
Expected results
Availability of relevant data for assessment of climate change impacts.
A freely available database of climate change indicators that could be used in the future by other research institutions/enterprises for estimating the vulnerability/consequences on transportation infrastructure at different Atlantic regions.
D4.2. Predictive models for non interceptable events
Outputs results
These models are necessary to evaluate the vulnerability/consequences of build infrastructure subjected to non interceptable events, such as river flow. Their application will also provide data in terms of changes in return periods for those events.
Expected results
Algorithm and program to predict extreme events.
Increased capacity to predict extreme events, such as the maximum annual river flow through the developed algorithm, based on a given infrastructure asset location and climate change scenarios.
D4.3. Framework for vulnerability assessment and consequence analysis for transportation infrastructure networks (software/algorithm)
Outputs results
Software and corresponding algorithm able to assess the vulnerability and failure consequences on transportation infrastructure depending on the information of a given infrastructure location and climate change scenarios (methodology required to WP6.
Expected results
Increased capacity to quantify vulnerability/consequences on transportation infrastructure under the combined action of interceptable and non interceptable events. To develop a dynamic framework able to integrate climate change predictions, physical models of deterioration and stochastic processes to evaluate the vulnerability/consequences of transportation infrastructure subjected to different extreme events.
Framework for consequence analysis for transportation infrastructure networks