D3.1. Benchmarking report
Outputs results
The Benchmarking report will compile the best practices identified at European level on t transportation infrastructure resilience to risks.
Expected results
Optimization of the value and impact of European projects. In terms of results, the benchmarking analysis will allow the optimization of the value and impact of European projects, especially the results of transnational projects.
D3.2. Report on standardization needs for resilient transportation Atlantic infrastructure
Output results
Report with the results of needs in standardization for the adoption of new solutions that improve the resilience of Atlantic transportation infrastructure.
Expected results
Standardization for resilient Atlantic transportation infrastructure.
Establishment of a reference framework in terms of standardization needs for resilient Atlantic transportation infrastructure.
Standardization Needs For Resilient Transportation Atlantic Infrastructure Report
D3.3. Guide - Good practice and capacity building
Outputs results
Guidelines of best-practices for using the different results of the project, integrating outcomes of experimental WPs. This document will be the key for transportation infrastructure owners, operators or managers (referential for capacity building).
Expected results
Optimization of the value and impact of the project results. The project capitalization strategy will ensure the optimization of the value and impact of the project results, enhancing the interaction with stakeholders and potential users in order to allow the exploitation opportunities of the SIRMA results.
D3.4. Results dissemination and capacity building events
Outputs results
It will be developed five events to discuss the project results and good practices, targeted to technology innovators on infrastructure management, including end-users, the research community, and the potential players.
Expected results
Capacity building of key stakeholders in Atlantic Area. The knowledge transfer from the project team to key stakeholders (e.g. infrastructure owners, operators or managers) will increase the capacity building in Atlantic Area in terms of promoting the resilience of transportation infrastructures.