Partner skills
IP is a public company that manages the infrastructures of road and rail in Portugal. Its purpose is the design, construction, financing, conservation, exploitation, upgrading, extension and modernization of national road and rail networks.
Transnational experience
Under the 7th Framework Program IP participated in the following projects: – MAXBE; – Capacity4Rail; Ecossian. Under the H2020, IP participates in the following projects: – OPTIMUM; – Infralert; – SECRETS. IP will participate in the following projects: – SAFEWAY; – FORESEE.
Role in the project
IP will be one of the test cases of the project. IP will allow the realization of test and the placement of sensorisation in the railway line of Cascais and in the national road 6. IP may provide data on the behaviour of transport infrastructures, as well as extreme events that have affected them.
Activities to implement in the project
IP will collaborate in the instrumentation of its infrastructure and its mobile monitoring means (railway inspection vehicle and road inspection vehicle). IP will participate in the collection and analysis of data obtained with the sensor. As a concessionaire of transportation infrastructures network, IP will also provide their expertise in infrastructure maintenance and management.
Contact person
João Figueiredo